If you're using Silhouette Studio V5 for print and cut, there are some important changes you'll want to be aware of.
Even if you're not a beginner, I would highly suggest going through this step by step tutorial the first time you are printing and cutting in V5.
When Silhouette America released Silhouette Studio V5 one of the three biggest changes was creating a new and separate Print and Cut panel as well as moving the Cut and Print Border settings.
Why they did this..I don't know. I think it disrupted a pretty streamlined process from prior versions.
You'll now need to open and work in at least two different tabs and/or panels when setting and up print and cut job.
Page Set Up for Print and Cut Jobs in Silhouette Studio V5
Start by launching Silhouette Studio. Turn off Starter Mode by toggling at the top.
Open the Page Setup panel from the right side bar.
Select your machine, the feed type as "manual" and the correct mat size.
Change the Media Size to printer. Go through the steps here to confirm your printer and page size now.
Switch now to the Grid tab on the Page Setup and check the box for "Show Print Border". Show Cut Border should also be checked.
My suggestion is to click "M" on your keyboard to turn on the registration marks.
This puts them in the default position which I would recommend (at least for your first print and cut). it also means you don't have to open the separate Print and Cut panel.
If you'd rather open the full Print and Cut panel to turn on the marks, click the Print and Cut tool from the right sidebar. ANY other change to registration marks including adjusting their length or restoring them to default has to be done in this new panel.
Add your designs or images to the work area making sure nothing is in the hashed area or touching the registration marks.
Go to File > Print or click the Print icon from the top tool bar to send the page to print with registration marks.
I'm printing on sticker paper from Online Labels.
Once the sheet is printed place it on a cutting mat and load it into the Silhouette CAMEO or Portrait.
In Silhouette Studio move to the Send panel and get into the "Standard" tab (towards the top).
Do a search to find your material from the dropdown menu. Select the correct tool. If you're not using an autoblade, be sure to manually adjust the blade depth to the recommended depth displayed.
If you are cutting stickers and only want the outside edge to cut select the sticker images (these are from So Fontsy) and then select "Tool 1: Use Outline of Selection". This will only cut the outer edge of your design.
When you're ready click "Send" to begin cutting on your Silhouette CAMEO.
Note: This post may contain affiliate links. By clicking on them and purchasing products through my links, I receive a small commission. That's what helps fund Silhouette School so I can keep buying new Silhouette-related products to show you how to get the most out of your machine!
WOW. I wonder if Silhouette hired a boss from Cricut? Why else would they do this to their software!?