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How to Make Stickers with White Text (When Your Printer Doesn't Print White)

If you want to make stickers with white text, but your printer doesn't print white, no problem at all. 

silhouette america blog, silhouette 101, print and cut, white toner printer, sticker paper

You can simply use the white of the sticker paper to "print" white text. Let's design these in Silhouette Studio so you can print and cut your stickers. 

Open Silhouette Studio and set up your page for print and cut. If you aren't sure how to do that, follow this beginner tutorial for print and cut page setup then pick it up from here. 

print and cut, white toner printer, sticker paper, online labels, silhouette studio tutorials

We're going to make some small business stickers that are just simple and straightforward.  

Use the Draw a Circle tool on the left sidebar of Silhouette Studio to draw out a circle. To make a perfect circle hold down shift as you draw out the shape with your mouse. 
print and cut, white toner printer, sticker paper, print white, silhouette studio tutorials

Open the text tool from the left sidebar and type something like "Thanks for shopping small" or whatever sentiment you want.  You can also import a pre-created design. 

print and cut, white toner printer, sticker paper, print white, silhouette studio tutorials

From the Text Style panel on the right sidebar, select the font you want, center or justify the text how you like and adjust the character and/or line spacing. 

print and cut, white toner printer, sticker paper, print white, home printer

When you have it how you want it, select the circle and fill the circle with a color, pattern or gradient from the Fill panel on the right sidebar. 

print and cut, white toner printer, sticker paper, print white, home printer

Move your text over to the circle so it fits nicely inside. Now fill the text with solid white.  

print and cut, white toner printer, sticker paper, print white, silhouette studio tutorials

Open the Line Style panel from the right sidebar and change the line color to white as well. 

print and cut, white toner printer, sticker paper, print white, silhouette studio tutorials

Move to the Send Panel and select just the text layer and change it to "No Cut."  Keep the circle as "Cut". This will prevent the text from cutting so the Silhouette CAMEO will only cut the outer edge of the sticker. 

print and cut, white toner printer, sticker paper, print white, silhouette studio tutorials

Return to the Design page and you can fill the rest of the page with the same sticker design by duplicating, copy/paste, or going to the Replicate Panel > Fill Page. 

print and cut, white toner printer, sticker paper, print white, replicate

When you're ready, click File > Print or the print icon from along the top toolbar. 

print and cut, white toner printer, sticker paper, print white, silhouette studio tutorials
Place a sheet of Online Labels sticker material into your printer and print.  It's my favorite sticker material and pretty much all I use! 

Finish up by cutting on your Silhouette CAMEO and you're all done! 

print and cut, white toner printer, sticker paper, print white, silhouette studio tutorials

That's all there is to making stickers with white text when your printer doesn't print white. 

If you have a white toner printer you can really expand your options by printing white text on clear or even colored sticker paper!! 

print and cut, white toner printer, sticker paper, print white,

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