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How to Save a Silhouette File with Transparent Background

It's easy to save a Silhouette file with a transparent background. 

silhouette 101, silhouette america blog, silhouette studio, silhouette studio v4, silhouette studio business edition

Silhouette Studio allows transparent PNG files to be exported which means you can design and create in Studio and export a Silhouette file with a transparent background.

In order to export a transparent PNG file from Silhouette Studio you'll need Silhouette Studio Business Edition which is a one time paid upgrade. 

Create your design in Silhouette Studio. 

silhouette studio, silhouette studio v4, silhouette studio business edition, PNG files, transparent background

When you're ready to export go to File > Save As or select the design and go to File > Save Selection. 

silhouette studio, silhouette studio v4.4, silhouette studio business edition, PNG designs, transparent background

Change the exported file type to PNG and click Okay. 

silhouette studio, silhouette studio v4, silhouette studio business edition, PNG files, transparent background

In the next window, check the box for Transparent Background. 

silhouette studio, silhouette studio v4, silhouette studio business edition, PNG files, transparent background

That's literally it! Super easy and fast to save a transparent image from Silhouette Studio. 

silhouette studio, silhouette studio v4, silhouette studio business edition, PNG designs, transparent background

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  1. HI! I'm trying to do this and am using Windows in which the Save As just allows a normal save, it does not have the two extra pop-ups. Can you please advise as to how Windows users can do this? Please?

    1. What edition of Studio do you have?

  2. I have designer edition & do not have the png option. How did I save an image with a transparent background?

    1. Hi there, you need Business Edition for saving as a PNG. You would want the Designer> Business specific upgrade if you decide to. You can find it here:

  3. I have the Business Edition and followed the instructions to a transparent background. However, I can seem to lose the background and save the image. Will this allow me to ungroup the image and eliminate the background. Thanks so much!

  4. I have the Business edition, but not the option to save as png.

  5. I have business edition , have the option but it will not allow me to save it with a transparent background…

  6. I have Business Edition. My option for PNG isn't there though, and I have no idea why!


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