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Windows 10 1809 Update Impacting Some Silhouette CAMEO, Portrait Users

WARNING!!!  Windows users LISTEN UP!! There's a significant change in the recently released Windows operating system update. 
As of August 1, 2019 and with the release of Windows 10 1809, 1903 and above Microsoft no longer supports USB 1.0 connections via a USB 3.0 port. Sound like gibberish?

Here's what it mean for you?

Older model Silhouette machines including Portrait 1, CAMEO 1, SD, and original Silhouette machines (along with other hardware like printer, fax machines, scanners, external drives, cameras, etc that use that same type of USB connection) will no longer be compatible. 

HOWEVER while Silhouette exhausts all options for these have a few options: 

1. If you have one of these machines, and can avoid the Windows update, hold off! Older Windows versions still play nice with older Silhouette machines.

2. If your computer has a USB 2.0 port, you can try to use that, or, if you have a CAMEO 1 or SD you can use your machine via SD card.

As technology advances this is sometimes what happens...think floppy disks and VHS. Again, it's important to remember this is not a Silhouette software issue so updating or downgrading your Silhouette Studio software will not impact the inability for the Windows operating system to communicate with Silhouette CAMEO 1, Portrait 1, and SD.

Here is Silhouette America's official statement: 

As of August 1, 2019 Silhouette America is no longer able to support USB connection between Windows 10 (1809, 1903, or above), particularly USB 3.0, or other related newer hardware and the following Silhouette models:

- Portrait 1
- Silhouette SD
- Original Silhouette

We apologize for any frustration or inconvenience this may cause. Unfortunately, as some technology advances, we are eventually unable to provide compatible hardware to accommodate these changes.
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  1. Had no problem with Windows 10 build 1809, and now I have just updated to build 1903 and my cameo 1 is working fine

  2. Just tested mine, I'm on build 1903. Curio and portrait works fine.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm really hesitant to upgrade anything to do with my Cameo these days as I have an original cameo and its running on a Windows 8.1 laptop. I'm not ready to upgrade either device as both items are expensive especially when they are working fine. I hate that I have to even consider this because my setup works well for me. Fingers crossed I can continue using it with a USB 2 port

  5. How can you check which windows build you have. I have cameo 2.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I have windows 8 and silhouette 2 ( the one right before the 3 came out) I havent updated anything in awhile, always afraid of things messing up, as of now everything runs great and I can do everything I want to do Thank you so much for this information

  8. I am so computer illiterate, I don't even know what this means to me. Does someone want to translate this into English for me? I have the Portrait 1

  9. Okay, can you run the machines on Apple or ??? I too need a translation like Christine! Please dumb down some help for us! :) TIA

  10. First at all.. sorry for my poor english.. the cable for the portrait 1 that i have and i connect to the computer said usb 2.0 and work fine.. so affect in the same way in the future? You can explain please in easy words.. thank you

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I have the Cameo 1 and I'm trying to use a SD Card. The Cameo recognizes the card when I load a mat and all features show as far as Settings, etc. It will even cut a TEST. I won't recognize any studio files eithe copied or saved to. Any ideas? I did format the SD Card to the default FAT.

    1. Trial and error I got it working. Have to save to SD Card in the .gsp format for the Cameo to recognize the file on the SD Card.

    2. Saved my life on this project with your comments here!! Thank you!! :)

    3. Still saving lives all this time later! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

  13. Thank you thank you for telling us about Windows 10 update and Silhouette .. I’ld be “dead in the water” if I update Windows 10 .. I had no idea ! I have the old Silhouette Quik Kutz machine ( must be 12 yrs old !!) and works beautifully with all the Silhouette updates and upgrades !! I am reluctant to buy a new one as I’m nearing 80 yrs old ! Also I have found you and your Silhouette School blog so helpful .. you have no idea !! Thanks again

  14. My Silhouette Cameo is 6 years old and has worked perfectly until about 3 weeks ago.When sending my project to cut my cutter is no longer recognized and will therefore no longer work. I am devastated to think that I will not be able to use my Silhouette when in fact there is nothing wrong with the machine. Apparently this is due to the new said Widows update which happens automatically. Is there any way I can delete this update or restore the previous setting?
    Also can anyone explain how I use the the Cameo with an SD card? Thank you

    1. I just tried to use my original Silhouette, and it won't work. The Silhouette program works, it just won't send my project to the machine. I, too, have no clue how to use an SD card. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

    2. try running the program in administration mode using windows 8 compatibility, this has worked for me after a couple of weeks of headaches

  15. My Silhouette Cameo 1 didn't want to play with my brand new Dell laptop after the update, to make a long story short, I can connect a USB hub that my son gave me to the laptop and then connect my Cameo to the hub because it has the correct USB ports for it and it works. Hope this is helpful as I was really frustrated when I read this post and I am happy now.

    1. Hello Pamela. Thank you SO much for writing in about the USB hub. That has solved my problem. I upgraded Windows to version 1903 and my Silhouette wasn't connecting at all, but it works perfectly if I plug a USB hub with USB 2 inputs in. Please say thanks to your son.

    2. That sounds like a great solution! Do you happen to know which brand of USB hub your son gave you?

    3. Thank you for the information. I also have a Cameo 1 and unfortunately I upgraded Windows 10 before I rec this information regarding the problem with the USB ports. I have one 3.0 and two 2.0 ports on my 5 year Acer laptop. My Cameo 1 would not connect with the 3.0 port but did make a connection with the 2.0 port. If your computer has more than one port you may have a 2.0 port that will work.

    4. Thank you for posting this. I was struggling to get our Cameo 1 to work after updating Windows 10, but going through a USB hub has seemingly fixed the issue. Thanks again.

  16. Apparently that is what is affecting my curio as well. My p.c. automatically updated and now my machine won't connect. So ready to cry and silhouette support isn't being very helpful since I guess there isn't much they can do about it

    1. This shouldn't affect your curio. It's much newer and uses usb 2.0 protocol. I have a silhouette sd and a curio. My sd has stopped being recognized now that my computer updated, but the curio is still working fine. If you're have a problem with your curio, it's something else. Keep harassing silhouette support

  17. This is probably a dumb question, but how do I find out which machine I have? It's a Portrait, but I have no idea what number.

    1. I have a portrait 1, the bottom half of the machine is silver. I think the portrait 2 is all white. Also it looks like the blade housing is white. Mine is black.

  18. I have a Cameo 3 and was having problems over the weekend. I updates my computer and I'm still having problems. I can cut 3 or 4 sticker pages and then it messes up on me. I have turned my Cameo off, unplugged it and it will work for a couple of pages and then it starts again. It will not read the registration marks, or it will pull the mat into the machine and will start making a LOUD clicking noise while pulling the mat it and it will not stop until I turn off the machine. Once if does pick up the registration marks it cuts the stickers incorrectly. What can I do?

  19. What happened to you has happened to me. After much trying I realized that my mat was not in good condition, or something broken, or wasted .
    if you have another, try it

  20. I have had a few weeks of trying to get my silhouette portrait to work with the new upgrade,I tried all the comprehensive instructions for troubleshooting to no avail, I even have had IT techs look at the issue.
    Eureka! today I have it working again by simply running the software in administrator mode with windows8 compatibility .Fingers crossed my machine now works until at least the new release date

    1. It worked for my Portrait 2!!!! Thanks!! You saved my day.

  21. Thank you so much for this alert!! Saved my bacon. I didn't panic and knew what was happening when I tried to use my cameo after the auto update happened last week. Was able to plug it into another usb port in my laptop and ta da! It works just fine. Whew! I was attempting to use my foil quill for the first time and would have been sad if I hadn't seen this first. Thanks again, Melissa!

  22. Some computer types you can disable usb 3.0 from the BIOS. This was the resolution for my ibm laptop.

  23. I purchased a new computer a couple of months ago. I have had problems connecting my Cameo 1, but followed the instructions from Silhouette America. Although frustrated, I always managed to get it to connect eventually. But the most recently Windows 10 updates caused me to no longer resolve with those instructions to make the connection. Finally, I tried a USB 2 hub between the Cameo 1 and computer. It worked!

  24. running windows 10 with the same problem. Have contacted Silhouette and they do have a new firmware update for the Portrait 1. I have downloaded and used the update. It has fixed the problem with finding the Portrait 1 to cut the pattern.

  25. I followed the Silhouette America site instructions to load a driver into the original Cameo using a SD Card. Be sure to use a 2GB size. A larger one will not work. My software sees the Cameo via a USB 2.0 on my laptop and the Cameo cuts now. Thanks for the information.


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