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How to Bulk Export Custom Material Cut Settings from Silhouette Studio

The more specialty and off-brand materials you start cutting with your Silhouette machine, the more custom cut settings you will likely have saved in your Custom Materials List.

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I have shared previously on the blog how to export custom material cut settings, but it wasn't until recently I learned you can actually bulk export the Silhouette Custom Cut Settings.

Exporting them allows you to do a few things - you can move the cut settings to a new computer or share them by exporting them into a CSV. You also ensure you don't lose them when updating for your software.

Here's how you do it!

Open Silhouette Studio and go to the Send panel.

Click the three dots to open the Advanced Material Panel options.

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Scroll down the material list until you get to the User Defined section. These are all the custom material cut settings you have added. Click on one and then hold down Control and click on additional cut settings to select multiple materials.

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When you're ready to export the cut settings, right click and select "Export Multiple".

custom cut settings, custom material settings, silhouette studio, silhouette design studio, silhouette studio tutorials

You will have the option to change the name of the file and the location where it saves on your hard drive before saving.

custom cut settings, custom material settings, silhouette studio, silhouette design studio, silhouette studio tutorials

All selected cut settings will be exported into a CSV file that you can save, share, or later re-import in the event you lose your cut settings in an update or if you need to move them to a new computer.

Just a note - the blade depth column shows the blade depth in decimals. For example, the Glitter vinyl has a blade depth of "0.2" which means a blade depth of 2.  Keep that in mind when looking at the Faux Leather Sheets blade depth of "1" which actually means "10".
custom cut settings, custom material settings, silhouette studio, silhouette design studio, silhouette studio tutorials

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