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Silhouette Studio V4.2 Library: Where Is the Local User Folder?

If you've updated to Silhouette Studio V4.2 you may be wondering what happened to the library.

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The library folder structure changed in Silhouette Studio V4.2 eliminating the distinction between the Local User folder and the Cloud folder - therefore everything's all mixed up.

The idea behind the change is so users no longer need to manage two folder structures. can be alarming to not know where anything is.

All of your designs, folders, and sub folders should still remain in your library - they're just now all organized under one large folder called "Designs." 

silhouette cameo library, silhouette studio library, silhouette library designs, silhouette design library, Silhouette America Blog
Click "Designs" to expand the folder and see your sub folders.

silhouette cameo library, silhouette studio library, silhouette library designs, silhouette design library, Studio v4.2

I didn't have much on my Silhouette Cloud previously, but this 3D folder was originally a folder listed under my cloud account. It's now displaying in the main Designs folder, but the designs within that 3D folder are still ON the cloud - indicated by the green check mark on each of those designs.

silhouette cameo library, silhouette studio library, silhouette library designs, silhouette design library, studio v4.2

Most of the other folders you see in my library were originally under Local User. The designs within those folders are still "local" meaning they are only accessible on my current computer. These local user designs display a red X under them.

silhouette cameo library, silhouette studio library, silhouette library designs, silhouette design library, Studio v4.2

If you want to move these designs to the cloud, so they can be accessed when you're signed into your Silhouette America Cloud account on another computer, you can click the red X to get the green check mark. This is the equivalent of dragging designs back and forth between Local User and Cloud. You can do this in both directions.

silhouette cameo library, silhouette studio library, silhouette library designs, silhouette design library, Silhouette Studio

Design with the gray check mark are Silhouette Design Store designs can can't be moved off the Cloud.
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  1. Hi melissa ive just downloaded silhouette to my laptop and when i log in all my files are missing. But on my pc they are there :( do you know how i can fix that?

    1. Hi there! This likely means that your files are stored in Local User versus on the cloud. You'd need to move them to your cloud files to be able to access them on the other computer.


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