If you missed my post last month, you need to check it out! I talked all about using keyboard shortcuts in Silhouette Studio to make designing so much faster. And then to sweeten the deal, I also created a beautiful free printable keyboard shortcuts guide. It makes learning shortcuts so easy!
With the new Silhouette Studio V4.1 update, keyboard shortcuts are even more helpful. Now that the tools panels are all moved around, using keyboard shortcuts save you from having to search for the tools or functions you want. And while the printable shortcut guide is super helpful I decided to take it to the next level!
This month I created cut files for all the one-key shortcuts that you can download and open in Silhouette Studio! These icons can be cut out of your favorite vinyl (Oracle 651 is my vinyl of choice) and put on your keyboard keys. Now when you are designing in Silhouette Studio, you can quickly find all your favorite keyboard shortcuts.
To use one-key shortcuts, all you need to do is hit that one letter when in Silhouette Studio and then you will be ready to use that tool or function. For example: when you need to zoom in, just hit the Z key (with or without the caps lock, it doesn't matter) and your curser will change to zoom.
To get you ready to use all the one-key shortcuts, here is a list of what letters do what. The icons are made to look just like the icons you are already use to in Silhouette Studio.
One-Key Keyboard Shortcuts for Silhouette Studio
- V - Select
- A - Edit points
- \ - Line tool
- R - Rectangle tool
- E - Ellipse tool
- P - Polygon tool
- C - Curve tool
- F - Freehand draw tool
- T - Text
- K - Knife tool
- I - Eyedropper tool
- O - Center of rotation adjustment tool
- Z - Zoom
- G - Show grid
- M - Registration marks
- Spacebar - Pan tool
And for more Silhouette fun, don't forget to check out my DIY & Crafts Tutorials at Houseful of Handmade.
Note: This post may contain affiliate links. By clicking on them and purchasing products through my links, I receive a small commission. That's what helps fund Silhouette School so I can keep buying new Silhouette-related products to show you how to get the most out of your machine!
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I decided I was not liking having to move over to the left each time, so I Googled Silhouette shortcuts, and there your wonderful page was. Thanks!