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Circle Arrow Frame: Free Silhouette Studio Cut File

It's Freebie Friday at Silhouette School and this week I'm sharing a free circle arrow frame.  It seems to be a popular design right now with Silhouette crafters so I thought I'd share a free version with you.

Silhouette Studio, Silhouette Cameo, free cut file, circle arrow frame

You can use it in so many ways - htv designs, stencils, stamps, photo frames, monograms, printables. You get the point.
 I mean how cute are these onesies?!

Silhouette Studio, Silhouette Cameo, free cut file, circle arrow frame

Just download the free arrow circle frame, open in Silhouette Studio, add whatever it is you'd like inside the frame (flip if you cut on HTV), cut and adhere/apply.  You're all set. 

Please remember, this design along with all others shared on Silhouette School is free for personal use only can can't be sold in any way, shape or form either in the digital or finished physical version.

Note: This post may contain affiliate links. By clicking on them and purchasing products through my links, I receive a small commission. That's what helps fund Silhouette School so I can keep buying new Silhouette-related products to show you how to get the most out of your machine!

Thanks for coming to class today at Silhouette School.  If you like what you see, I'd love for you to pin it!

Pin It!

 photo 2b820f06-c93b-4b24-929c-96287390140f_zpsf3cd3a23.jpguse twiter photo Twitter_48x48_zps4e06061c.pnguse twiter photo Twitter_48x48_zps4e06061c.pngUse Feed photo Feed_48x48_zps63f27a4f.png photo 2b820f06-c93b-4b24-929c-96287390140f_zpsf3cd3a23.jpgUse Feed photo Feed_48x48_zps63f27a4f.pngUse Feed photo Feed_48x48_zps63f27a4f.png

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  1. Thank you! This is a really cute design!

  2. Thank you for the cute design & thank you for all the valuable information you give us!

  3. Love the elbow patches! So creative!

  4. Okay,this may be a silly question but I am a newbie. Do you download both V2 and V3? I am not sure what that means. I have the older version of the Cameo (buttons). TIA

    1. It has to do with what version of Silhouette Studio you have. If at the top of Studio it says Studio3 then you want to download the V3 (Studio Version 3) file.

    2. Anonymous, Thanks for asking that question. I am new as well, and these questions help us all!

  5. Thank you for the file and I love the onesies. They are super cute.

  6. Thank you for the file and I love the onesies. They are super cute.

  7. What a GREAT file and design, thank you so much. Love it when your follower emails pop into my mail box. Means I learn, thank you

  8. Thank you so much! I am a newbie, too. Can I download this directly into my Silhouette library, rather than downloading to my hard drive and then saving it into my library? If so, would you share the steps with me? I would so appreciate it

  9. Thanks are AWESOME!!!!

  10. great cut file, thanks for sharing!

  11. In response to Cheryl W, if you put "Download" in the search box, you'll get an article Melissa wrote about downloading files which I think you'll find helpful.

  12. Thanks for the design. It is cute!

  13. I am having trouble with a ring monogram font. I can't get the three initials in the ring without the "ring" appearing each time I type an initial. Can you please help? I got the font on Thanks, Pat


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