Hi there! It's Becky and Glenna from My Paper Craze in again this week with a review of Silhouette's new permanent glossy vinyl line.
When we first started out with our lovely Silhouette machines, we were a little uneducated about the different types of vinyl available. Lucky for you guys, Silhouette School has a fabulous post on Silhouette Vinyl Types and Transfer Paper vs Transfer Tape.
The first time I purchased vinyl, I purchased Silhouette Premium Vinyl straight from Silhouette America (this was before I knew of any other alternatives). After I realized that this was indoor vinyl and not what I really needed for my projects, I soon learned that there are a plethora of online vendors that sell outdoor permanent adhesive vinyl, such as Oracle 651. I'll admit that I was a little disappointed that all the vinyl I purchased from Silhouette America was not really what I had expected. Well, we have good news...Silhouette America has a NEW vinyl!
After getting myself in a pinch needing some outdoor vinyl, I found a listing on Amazon (We Heart Amazon Prime!) for Silhouette Glossy Permanent Vinyl, 12 by 6-Feet. I was slightly skeptical but for the quick shipping and the price I was willing to give it a try.
I first used the Silhouette Glossy Permanent Vinyl on my boys' baseball helmets. I figured it there was going to be a true test, this was it! I actually only did small little decals on the front and the back, fully expecting to have to replace them after the first game. Kids, and especially my boys, are rough on their toys and even rougher on their baseball equipment. It gets shoved in the bag with who-knows-what, rubbed in the dirt, and we can't forget the all the legendary head bumps.
But....20 games later the vinyl is still going strong! Even better news, the price is really reasonable (if you need the whole roll) if you have Amazon Prime for the free shipping.
I compared what most crafters are paying at an online vinyl supplier and calculated that it's about $0.32 more for this Silhouette vinyl than for 6 12x12 sheets of the other stuff. Now keep in mind, most crafters don't buy individual 12x12 sheets and online suppliers usually discount for bulk purchases, but I was SO thrilled with the free two-day shipping. The way my projects go, I'm always needing last minute supplies! AND can you believe that it's available in 12" width for Cameo users and 9" width for Portrait users? That sure beats cutting into a 12x12 sheet to fit your Portrait width!
I compared what most crafters are paying at an online vinyl supplier and calculated that it's about $0.32 more for this Silhouette vinyl than for 6 12x12 sheets of the other stuff. Now keep in mind, most crafters don't buy individual 12x12 sheets and online suppliers usually discount for bulk purchases, but I was SO thrilled with the free two-day shipping. The way my projects go, I'm always needing last minute supplies! AND can you believe that it's available in 12" width for Cameo users and 9" width for Portrait users? That sure beats cutting into a 12x12 sheet to fit your Portrait width!
So there you have it: a review of the (new to me) Silhouette Glossy Permanent Vinyl. It is available through Silhouette distributors, Silhouette America online and Amazon!
Thanks for coming to class today at Silhouette School. If you like what you see, I'd love for you to pin it!

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