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Resticking Silhouette Mat: Cutting Mat Spray Adhesive Review

Silhouette Cutting Mat, cutting mat spray adhesive, review

If you've been a Silhouette users for more than a few months you've probably met a mat that's lost its stick.  There are several ways to clean up a Silhouette cutting mat and I've even shared a tutorial in the past about how to re-stick a mat with spray adhesive.  But recently I came across this Sizzix adhesive that's specifically for cutting mats.  In fact it's called Sizzix Cutting Mat Spray Adhesive.
NOTE: I purchased this product, it was not given to me nor have I been in any contact with the company who makes or sells it.
The product claims to be able to be a cutting mat spray that will create a "tacky repositional bond that will hold materials in place."  So I decided to put it to the test on an old Silhouette cutting mat that had lost its stick, thus not holding the materials in place while cutting, to see if I could restick a Silhouette cutting mat effectively.

Silhouette Cutting Mat, cutting mat spray adhesive, review
Before we go any further....use the spray adhesive at your own risk! I suggest, if you decide to restick your mat in this way, you don't do this until after your warranty period on your machine is up since you don't want to do anything to risk voiding the 1 year manufacturer warranty.  

The first thing I did was clean off my mat.  You want the cutting mat as free from grime, dust, and fibers as possible.  I used my Silhouette spatula and some painters tape to clean off my mat.  You can also clean with some warm water and a mild soap as discussed in this tutorial.

Once the mat was clean and dry, I placed it on a hard surface and used 2" wide painters tape to tape it down.  The tape serves two purposes:
  1. It keeps the mat in place while you spray on the adhesive
  2. It protects the marginal edges of the cutting mat that should NOT be in contact with the adhesive since they go under the rollers of the machine.
Silhouette Cutting Mat, cutting mat spray adhesive, review

Now it's time to spray a light, even coat of the Sizzix Adhesive Cutting Mat Spray onto the mat.

After spraying...walk away. Just let the mat sit for about 30 minutes.  It doesn't dry per say, but it becomes tacky.

Silhouette Cutting Mat, cutting mat spray adhesive, review

After about a half hour, I returned and could see that the coat I sprayed onto the mat was not actually an even layer. You can see there are some areas in the center that don't look to be coated at all. 

Silhouette Cutting Mat, cutting mat spray adhesive, review

If this is the case for you too, then spray another light layer in those area to make sure the mat is evenly coated.

I waited until the following day before using my newly "restickied" mat for the first time.

Silhouette Cutting Mat, cutting mat spray adhesive, review

I am happy to say that the spray adhesive worked well at keeping a sheet of vinyl in place while it was cut.  This was a mat that literally had no stick left and everything was slipping around.

Silhouette Cutting Mat, cutting mat spray adhesive, review, Silhouette Cameo

When I peeled the piece of vinyl off the mat, in one small area, a thin layer of the vinyl backing sort of stuck to the mat.   It wasn't a big deal and the vinyl was definitely still useable and cuttable.

Silhouette Cutting Mat, cutting mat spray adhesive, review

I've been cutting on this mat now for more than a week and no problems!  All of my materials are sticking great and releasing nicely. 

I will say that the cutting mat spray leaves the mat feeling a little more "crunchy" or stiff than it was originally.  But, for the price, with how many cutting mats a single can could re-stick and with the extended life it gives each mat - it's a great tool to have in the shed!

I definitely will still buy new cutting mats from time to time, but I'd estimate the Sizzix Cutting Mat Adhesive Spray will help cut the number of Silhouette cutting mats I buy in a year in half.

Note: This post may contain affiliate links. By clicking on them and purchasing products through my links, I receive a small commission. That's what helps fund Silhouette School so I can keep buying new Silhouette-related products to show you how to get the most out of your machine! 

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  1. We had about the same results using Krylon Easy-Tack Repositionable Adhesive 7020.

    And the vinyl backing stuck a little in about the same place on the mat, I wonder if the rollers end up with different pressures.

    Thank you another money saving idea.

    John and Sharon

    1. The rollers don't touch any area that had been sprayed so that would not be the case.

    2. Lori,

      On the cameo, that might depend on where you have set the right hand roller, you can see from the article photo that the right hand roller is set one notch in from the right and that would track on the adhesive, on the Portrait the right hand non adjustable roller does track down on the adhesive right side of the mat. When I respray the Cameo mats, we will try adjusting the roller into the non adhesive part of the mat.

      John and Sharon

  2. Your review came one day too late for me. I used spray adhesive on a mat & the paper I placed on it wouldn't come off! I had to get this project out in the mail. so I grabbed an old 'Cricut' mat & it worked! A new Silhouette mat is being purchased today! Where did you get the spray?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I use a product called Tack It Over and Over to restick my mats. It's a liquid glue that only costs a few dollars a bottle. Make sure you get the Over and Over one, as Tack It has other liquid glues as well. I clean and tape down my mats just as you do. Then, I take a small plastic cup (bathroom dispenser size) and pour just a small amount of glue into the bottom of the cup - enough to fully cover the bottom. I then add an equal amount of water and stir until well mixed. Using a small sponge paint brush, I then apply the mixture to my mat in thin, even strokes, spreading the adhesive as evenly as possible all over the mat. Let it dry for several hours. If you find your mat is too sticky in places, "walk" your hands over those places by putting them down on the mat and lifting them up off of it, just in those places. That will remove some ove the extra adhesive. It might take you a few tries to get the consistency you want for just the right amount of stickiness. Now that I have the hang of it, I get months and months of extra use out of my mats for only a few dollars.

  5. I use a product called Tack It Over and Over to restick my mats. It's a liquid glue that only costs a few dollars a bottle. Make sure you get the Over and Over one, as Tack It has other liquid glues as well. I clean and tape down my mats just as you do. Then, I take a small plastic cup (bathroom dispenser size) and pour just a small amount of glue into the bottom of the cup - enough to fully cover the bottom. I then add an equal amount of water and stir until well mixed. Using a small sponge paint brush, I then apply the mixture to my mat in thin, even strokes, spreading the adhesive as evenly as possible all over the mat. Let it dry for several hours. If you find your mat is too sticky in places, "walk" your hands over those places by putting them down on the mat and lifting them up off of it, just in those places. That will remove some ove the extra adhesive. It might take you a few tries to get the consistency you want for just the right amount of stickiness. Now that I have the hang of it, I get months and months of extra use out of my mats for only a few dollars.

  6. I've "re-stuck" my mats numerous times, but I like to clean them completely before re-sticking. I used the Goo-gone and scraped with credit card to get all adhesive off before spraying.

  7. Thank you for testing out this product for us!

  8. What is THE BEST adhesive product to use for resticking your Silhouette mat? There are so many out there. Have you guys done an experiment?


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