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Sketch Pen Fonts: The Best Thin Fonts for Silhouette

Finally! Finally I have found what I consider to be the best thin sketch pen font for Silhouette. 

 Silhouette sketch pens, thin fonts, Silhouette Studio
If you've been working Silhouette sketch pens for any length of time you know finding handwriting fonts to use with sketch pens isn't an easy feat.
Even the thinnest fonts still result in an outline when sketched.  Of course you can fill text in with these four little tricks I shared on Silhouette School awhile back, but there's nothing like an ultra thin font that actually looks like handwriting!    

6 Sketch Pen Fonts for Silhouette CAMEO

The below Single Line Sketch Fonts include the commercial use license

best sketch pen fonts, best single line fonts, sketch pen fonts silhouette cameo, sketch pen tutorials silhouette studio, single line fonts cricut, drawing fonts cricut, silhouette fill in text
Sketch pen or drawing fonts, as they're sometimes called, can be downloaded, installed, and added to Silhouette Studio just like any other font.

How to Add New Fonts to Silhouette Studio

After you download and install the font on your computer, re-start Silhouette Studio to add the new fonts. Then they'll show up in your Text Style list.  If you need a refresher, this Silhouette beginner tutorial will walk you through installing new fonts in Silhouette Studio.

How to Use Sketch Fonts in Silhouette Studio

When single line or sketch fonts are used in Silhouette studio, they produce a single line as opposed to an outlined font. For that reason, sketch fonts are meant to be used with a Silhouette Sketch pen rather than a cutting blade.  

single line sketch fonts, silhouette sketch fonts tutorial, silhouette tutorials, beginner silhouette sketch pens

They're also great for making single line rhinestone words in Silhouette Studio V4.

Want more Silhouette sketch pen tutorials? Check out Silhouette School's Sketch Pen Series! 

Silhouette sketch pens, thin fonts

Note: This post may contain affiliate links. By clicking on them and purchasing products through my links, I receive a small commission. That's what helps fund Silhouette School so I can keep buying new Silhouette-related products to show you how to get the most out of your machine! 

Thanks for coming to class today at Silhouette School.  If you like what you see, I'd love for you to pin it!

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  1. K, so I've followed all your instructions to get a really skinny font to emboss with and once I click internal offset nothing happens. It doesn't fill in and in fact, looks the exact same. I can't pull one from the other as there's nothing there. Help!

  2. Turns out it works only when I hit the little offset button in the bottom right hand corner. Yay!


  4. Hello, If I purchase a font from the silhouette design store will it fill in my font?

  5. how is it that Georgia Peach and Sweet Pea look like the exact same font??


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