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Turning Off Eraser and Knife Tools in Silhouette Studio

Eraser, knife, tool, turn off, Silhouette Studio, Silhouette tutorial
Frustrations over how to turn off the eraser and knife tool in Silhouette Studio is something I've heard repeatedly.  This week when a reader by the name of Sandy asked me for help with this very issue, after she read the Silhouette manual and still couldn't find an easy way to turn off the eraser tool, I decided it was time to put out a tutorial on it.

To be honest, this isn't much of a tutorial...but I'm hoping it will eliminate more frustrations.  It would be logical to think that once you click the eraser tool and erase what you want to erase that you should be able to click it again to turn it off.  But no, that's not how the Silhouette developers decided it would work.

Eraser, knife, tool, turn off, Silhouette Studio, Silhouette tutorial

Instead, the easiest way to turn off the eraser tool (and the knife tool...and actually all the other tools on the left sidebar in Studio) is to click the arrow button at the top of the left sidebar. That 'Select' button basically gives you back full control so you can continue with editing/creating/cutting your design.

The same on/off method also works for:  Draw A Line, Draw a Rectangle, Draw a Rounded Rectangle, Draw an Ellipse, Draw a Polygon, Draw a Curved Shape, Draw Free Hand, and the Knife tool.

Eraser, knife, tool, turn off, Silhouette Studio, Silhouette tutorial

Thanks for coming to class today at Silhouette School.  If you like what you see, I'd love for you to pin it!

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  1. Thanks so much...I've been going crazy trying to turn that darn thing off!

  2. THANK YOU so much for this short tutorial! I've never experienced this before and was wondering what I had done wrong!

  3. aahh endlich. !!! Tryed it for 1000 times. Now i got it.

  4. aahh endlich. !!! Tryed it for 1000 times. Now i got it.

  5. I know there had to be a simple solution . . . thanks so much!

  6. Also, in the Preferences Pane, under the heading Selections, you can decide if you want the eraser, knife and the different drawing tools to return to Select or continue to erase, cut or draw. I have a couple of mine set to continue and others to return to select. HTH

  7. you can also hit the letter 'V' and the defaults to the select button. As a Photoshop user the v key defaults to the select button, so thought I would try it in works

  8. you can also hit the letter 'V' and the defaults to the select button. As a Photoshop user the v key defaults to the select button, so thought I would try it in works


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