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Watch My Rachael Ray Show Segment (Plus Some Background and the Gift I Gave Rach)

So in case you missed it...I was on Rachael Ray. Like the nationally syndicated TV show.  We threw it back a few years and talked more about my DIY roots than what it's developed into in more recent years (aka Silhouette School!)

So here's the thing...before I started Silhouette School - I had a DIY blog called Two It Yourself.  I also had a relatively new-to-us house that needed some DIY TLC.  The powder room on the main floor was on my list of rooms that needed a makeover.  I decided a $100 budget would not only be challenging, but would force me to think outside the box, shop my own, and get crafty.

So back in 2013 that's what I did...I painted the yellow drab bathroom with a gallon of oops-that-was-the-wrong-color-for-the-bedroom paint and added some beadboard wallpaper at the 'chair rail.'

I swapped out the globes on the light fixture and built a shelf out of a pallet. I added some finishing touches and wrote a blog post about this $100 bathroom makeover (with some terribly lighted pictures) on my now long abandoned DIY blog.  You see a few month later Bob gifted my first Silhouette cutting machine, a Portrait...and well as they say: the rest is history.

Fast forward to early January 2017 when that ol' blog post caught the eye of a Rachael Ray Show producer.  That's when I received an email from the show asking if 1) I still lived in the house and 2) Would I be interested in coming up to their New York City Studios to talk about my $100 bathroom makeover.

1) You barely made it to me in time - we just sold the house, but are still living here and 2) YES!! Duh!!

Bob and I recorded a viewer video in that tiny bathroom and then headed up to New York a day early to enjoy a day in the city.  We ate at Eataly - where a couple of Silhouette School readers stopped me to say how much they love the blog. Seriously, girls, if you're reading this, I was DYING to tell you why were were in New York...but I was under a gag order. Okay not really...but it felt like it for as much as I like to talk!

The next day we headed to the studios for the live to tape show. That just means it's recorded in front of a live studio audience - and there's no 'do-overs' but it doesn't air the same day.  

You guys...I had my name on the door of a green room.

WHAT the what is going on here! All the while I'm like THIS bathroom is what is going to get me on TV? You must be kidding!

It was all super fun - even if I didn't get to talk Silhouette. I'm pretty sure I could have sold Rachael on one.  Because of course over the years I have added a few more details to the bathroom, most with the help of my Silhouette CAMEO. I mean..did you even question that for a second?

One of them got a brief second of air time on the Rachael Ray show if you looked fast and didn't blink. :)   It's a simple sheet of card stock that I stuck in my heat press with ThermoWeb Foil applied over Siser Adhesive.

What you didn't see was the little note to the kids I added to the mirror.  That's what etched glass vinyl will do for ya!   It is very challenging to take a picture of as you can see from this total awkwardness.

And of course I could not go empty-handed. But what do you make Rachael Ray?!  I literally stressed over this for a whole...3 days. That's about how much time there was between the initial email and the show taping!  I even stressed over the wrapping....and the card.

So..this is what I came up with! It's an apron with HTV (I used Ultralite HTV) and my favorite printable heat transfer (Jet Pro) for her picture on the bottle. 

So, that my friends is wrap and how and why we threw it back a bit to talk about DIY on the Rachael Ray Show! If you missed the segment, you can catch it here!

Note: This post may contain affiliate links. By clicking on them and purchasing products through my links, I receive a small commission. That's what helps fund Silhouette School so I can keep buying new Silhouette-related products to show you how to get the most out of your machine!

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  1. YOU are AWESOME SAUCE!~ Super duper seeing you on Rachael Ray! Thank you for including the clip. How fun was that? :))) Great gift as well.
    (Love Wilmington... wave to Lewes... I grew up there!)
    ~ Christina in FL

  2. Wow! You did great! I'm proud of you.

  3. Congrats! That was awesome. Too bad you couldn't get a plug in for Silhouette School.

  4. And so what was Rachel's response to the apron?!!

  5. And so, what was Rachel's response to the apron?!!

  6. How clever and creative! What will you do when you run out of house to decorate?

  7. Love the gift you made her and I'm sure she did as well! I hate I missed this but so glad I was able to watch it here. Very impressive job you did as well as on her show!! You go girl!! Congrats=)


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