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Silhouette Studio Diagonal Stray Cut FIX (V3 Troubleshooting Tutorial)

Silhouette Studio, diagonal stray cut, fix
Usually I'm about a week or two ahead with a bunch of tutorials in the queue just waiting to go live on the blog. Today, however, I bumped everything at the last minute, because I think this tutorial on how to fix a rather big problem in Silhouette Studio is pretty important and rather timely. 

The issue is a diagonal stray cut line that cuts across the design as the blade returns from the last cut point to its "home base".  This has been a nagging problem for many Silhouette users - specifically those who updated to Silhouette Studio (v3.3.437) over the last month or so. 

When I asked the Silhouette School Facebook followers how many of you had experienced this issue while cutting...many hands were raised! 
Well, it looks like reporting the issue to Silhouette America has made a difference!  Late last week SA released a new update specifically to address this issue which includes a patch to repair the bug.  All you have to do is download the latest software update Silhouette Studio (3.3.451) to fix the issue.

This is a free update and is available here on the Silhouette America website.

 IMPORTANT: Do not confuse this with updating from Legacy (Version 2) to Version 3..this was just a small tweak of the program and overall Version 3 is "safe".  If you're still on the fence about updating to Silhouette Studio Version 3 here are 10 tips for "V3 newbies."

And the moral of the story is: If you experience a bug in Silhouette Studio - report it!!! 

Note: This post may contain affiliate links. By clicking on them and purchasing products through my links, I receive a small commission. That's what helps fund Silhouette School so I can keep buying new Silhouette-related products to show you how to get the most out of your machine! 

Thanks for coming to class today at Silhouette School.  If you like what you see, I'd love for you to pin it!

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  1. I just downloaded the latest software update Silhouette Studio (3.3.451) to fix the issue, as recommended and I worked perfectly. No more half slash across my designs. Thank you!!

  2. Hi i use Silhouette Connect 1.1.246sc and still got diagonal stray cut. Can you help me?

    1. Hi, I am having the problem with the Connect plug-in. Any temporary fixes for now would be great as use my Silhouette for my business and this bug has put be back a few days.

    2. I am having the same issue with Connect. And I use CorelDraw X5. We tried changing the setting to 500 bytes in Connect but that didn't work. They are going to check with one of their tech guys that will be in around 1:30 today. If I have any luck I will post fix.

    3. Follow these steps:

      1) In Silhouette - Edit, Preferences, Advanced and change 500 bytes and UNCHECK Software Overcut.

      2) In Connect - Open the Preference Pane (click on circle with little notches around it) and repeat above.

      It worked for me, so I hope it works for you.

    4. Thank you Michael Ayala, those steps worked for me as well.

      I finally heard back from the support team and this is what they instructed me to do.

      Please do the following to resolve this error:

      Update Silhouette Studio® from the following link according to your computer type:

      Mac -
      PC -

      ​If further concerns are met and this does not resolve the concern, please proceed to do the following:

      1) Open the Silhouette Studio® software
      2) Go to the Edit (PC) or Silhouette Studio menu (Mac)
      3) Select Preferences
      4) Select Advanced
      5) Scroll to the bottom of the list to Software Overcut
      6) Uncheck the box Click Apply

      If the above steps do not resolve the concern, please try the following to adjust the packet of information in case the flow of communication is of concern:

      1) Open the Silhouette Studio® software
      2) Go to the Edit (PC) or Silhouette Studio menu (Mac)
      3) Select Preferences
      4) Select Advanced
      5) Adjust the Packet Size setting to 500
      6) Click Apply

      Another less common concern would be the presence of a small bit of un-removed blue packing tape found on the black motor case where the blade is seated. This tape covers certain sensors on the unit that confuses the Silhouette and make it think the job is completed when it is not. Under and to the left of the blade, if you find a small piece of translucent blue tape that was not initially removed, please remove this tape and discard it.

    5. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Even with the "bug fix update" my machine started doing this and after searching the internet for HOURS to find out what was going on I came upon your reply. I unchecked the overcut box and it worked! THANK YOU!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi, I have Silhouette Studio Release 3.3.638ss and I am having this problem (the diagonal cut). I checked for updates but it seems there are none. Do you have any idea what I should do? I haven't been using my Cameo for long so I am still very unfamiliar with it. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you,


  6. Having this problem for the 2nd time!!! UGH!! Most current software version...

    1. I am still having this problem too; and I am working on things for my son's party this Saturday :(

  7. I am using Studio 3.3.638 with no problems at all with my Cameo and Window s8.1.
    I thought I was still using v2.5.8 - one of the old ones that worked - I was wrong.
    Thank you for a super tutorial that forced me to check things out.
    Keep up the great work.
    New York

  8. I am having this issue for the first time ever and I've had all the Design Studio editions for the past 4 years. I am using Designer edition version 3.8.150ssde

    Any ideas?

  9. HELP...I've done the updates and all the other things that I was instructed to do....and I'm still getting the diagonal cut

  10. I am having this problem only with a white sheet of oracal 651. The black cut fine, cardstock cuts fine...

    thank you


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