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Free Designs for Silhouette using Dingbat Fonts

Dingbat font, Silhouette, free, designs
I'm seriously jumping out of my seat to share this one with you - it's so freaking awesome you're gonna love it!!  Okay, so we all know by now that most of the designs in the Silhouette Online Store are .99.  We've already talked about how to stretch your dollar in the store by buying larger designs with tons of separate elements...well now I've discovered a way to get FREE design images.  Are you ready for this?

The answer is dingbat fonts.  "Dingbat fonts?" you ask... yes, they're the fonts that show up as little images instead of actual letters.  For an 'A' and a snowflake shows up, hit 'B' and you get a get my snowdrift.  (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

Since Silhouette Studio lets you use any font installed on your computer, you basically have access to a whole bunch of free designs.    So now I know you're gonna raise your hand and ask where to get a dingbat font.  Well, my students, is the ultimate!  This website rules when it comes to free font downloads and it has dozens, if not hundreds, of image/icon fonts.

ANY font installed on your computer in your design that means dingbat fonts are gonna be your new BFF.  It's like a nearly endless supply of free Silhouette designs.
StarWars junkie?  Check out...Galaxy Far Far Away.  Disney fanatic? Don't miss Mickey M TFB.  Oh, you like Hello Kitty?  Mellow Fonts 1 is for you!  Every image in the below screen shot is actually a keystroke from a dingbat font.

Dingbat font, Silhouette, free, designs, Silhouette Studio

So here's what you're gonna do....
  • Go to and check out their selection of Dingbat fonts (or search for a font somewhere out on the great www or Pinterest or wherever).  
  • Download the font onto your computer.  
  • Open the file folder and install it into your font library. 
  • Open Silhouette Studio. (If you open Silhouette Studio before you download the font you'll have to close and reopen for it to load.)
  • Use the text tool to type in font images.  Be sure to use both capital and lower case letters since many times the lower case is the mirror image of the upper case. 
Now, while every image will import, not all of them will make good designs for the Silhouette to cut.  My suggestion is to look for images that aren't overly detailed.   For example, the Mickey Mouse head in the above image is a good one because it is not overly detailed, but detailed enough.  If I leave it as is and cut it this is what I will get...looks good to me!

Dingbat font, Silhouette, free, designs, Mickey Mouse

I can use either part the positive or negative as the stencil depending on what I'm looking for.

Dingbat font, Silhouette, free, designs, Mickey MouseDingbat font, Silhouette, free, designs, Mickey Mouse, negative

It's even possible to take the original dingbat font images apart so they're even more cut-friendly.    In the next few days I'll show you how to deconstruct an image in Silhouette so you can you take the elements apart and cut the stencil exactly as you want it, plus I'll be sharing a really fun painted pillow cover project I did using a dingbat font.

Thanks for coming to class today at Silhouette School.  If you like what you see, I'd love for you to pin it!

 photo 2b820f06-c93b-4b24-929c-96287390140f_zpsf3cd3a23.jpguse twiter photo Twitter_48x48_zps4e06061c.pnguse twiter photo Twitter_48x48_zps4e06061c.pngUse Feed photo Feed_48x48_zps63f27a4f.png photo 2b820f06-c93b-4b24-929c-96287390140f_zpsf3cd3a23.jpgUse Feed photo Feed_48x48_zps63f27a4f.pngUse Feed photo Feed_48x48_zps63f27a4f.png


  1. This is a really great idea! Looks like I'll be heading over to Dafont first thing tomorrow!

    I'd like to invite you to join us at our link party at
    We are 5 different blogs so you get more exposure! See you there!

    Jenn @ five-fifty westmount

    1. Thanks for the invite Jenn! I'll be over! :)


      May I get an invite? I tried going on my own and permission was denied.


  2. Thanks for the Disney fonts, I've been wanting those. i hopped over from Hit Me with your best shot

  3. I've downloaded several fonts for this specific reason, (great idea btw) but, how do you find what you're looking for once they are installed? For example... If I want to search for a football in the sports font, how do I find it? TIA!

  4. Here's a list of pre-screened dingbats great for beginners.

    1. Thanks so much for sharing this with us! Would you mind if I featured this post on Silhouette School? I would just take snippet, one picture and send it over to your blog for the full tutorial? Let me know - you can email me melissa(underscore)viscount (@) yahoo (dot) com if you'd like. Thanks!

    2. Thank you both for your generous contributions. I enjoy both of your websites..Tara

  5. when you say download the font into my computer how do I do that where do I do that? and then how do I put them in my library in my Silhouette I have many I call them templates that I'm trying to put in my Silhouette machine and do not know how please help.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. I am a beginner and I used to think I knew how to work a computer pretty well but I am now seeing very quickly that I do not have a clue!! LOL!! Im feeling stupid bc I do not know how to download it to my computer nor do I know what or where the font library is? Is the font library already default on the computer and if so how do I get to it? If not do I need to create a font library and how do I do that?
    Thank you so much for all of your help! I love this blog so much!
    Heather Harper

  8. i see a ton of comments from 2014. It is now 2022 and i am a newbee...How is it legal to use Mickey Mouse images that a font when it is illegal to use his image....


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